Apr 14, 2005

The greatest decision of my entire life

Mahony gets serious about the conclave:

"... for me, your Archbishop, the single greatest decision of my entire life will come when I am called upon to write on the ballot the name of the one whom I believe deep in my heart and soul should serve as our next Chief Shepherd. I approach this decision with personal unworthiness and trepidation, and with extraordinary reliance upon the promptings of the Holy Spirit. One can read the biographies of all the Cardinals, we can engage in conversations and discussions with them and about them, but then that quiet and secret moment must come when I have to write a name on the ballot.

I will then walk forward to the altar and proclaim aloud: "I call as my witness Christ the Lord who will be my judge, that my vote is given to the one who before God I think should be elected." We will repeat this process over several days until someone has received the 77 votes needed to be elected our next Pope.

To sustain me in that decision and that vote, I truly need your deep and persistent prayers --- but most especially on Good Shepherd Sunday, and the days of the coming week. As your Archbishop, I am truly overwhelmed to represent you in this Papal Election. But as your unworthy servant, I am also keenly aware that I can do nothing without the presence and power of our Risen Lord and the prayerful support of you, our wonderful people of Los Angeles.
In a profound and spiritual sense, all of you enter this Conclave with me. May all of us fulfill our responsibility to Jesus Christ and His Church seriously, prayerful, and faithfully.

Click here for full article.


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