Sep 6, 2005

McCarrick still in, what does it mean?

Word is that Pope Benedict has asked Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, D.C., to continue in his post for a couple more years.

During the recent presidential race, Cardinal McCarrick reportedly misrepresented the contents of a letter that the then Cardinal Ratzinger sent to Bishop Gregory and McCarrick. The letter was issued in response to the controversy surrounding Democrat presidential nominee John Kerry's reception of Holy Communion in spite of his atrocious record on abortion as well as on other moral issues.

Understandably, many faithful Catholics were looking forward to McCarrick's imminent retirement and his being replaced by a prelate (like, possibly, Denver Archbishop Chaput) who will not further muddy the theological waters.

But now it appears we will have to wait. What does this mean?

To answer this question I do not turn to self-styled "Vaticanologists" who hear whispering voices from on high. Their conjectures are no better than the conjectures of just about anyone else.

So, for what it's worth, here is my analysis which, I freely admit, is founded upon a firm trust in the intelligence and wisdom of this pope.

Pope Benedict XVI knows he needs to renew the pastoral leadership of the Church. The Church has suffered too much at the hands of weak, inept, intellectually lackluster and even in some cases immoral bishops. In a word, Benedict needs to clean house. But he is not going to set about this task in a haphazard, reactionary sort of way. His approach will be, as it has always been, well studied and deliberate.

There is any number of significant episcopal appointments on the horizon. To fill those sees will obviously entail moving good, experienced bishops from one place to another. It will also necessitate appointing new bishops who will meet the Ratzinger muster of orthodoxy. All of this will take time. But not too much time, for while I pray that Pope Benedict will live 100 years, I rather doubt that the Holy Father is banking on that kind of longevity. He has a job to do and I am convinced that he will do it well. But we will all have to be immensely patient and very trusting that Papa Ratzi knows best.


Blogger Quintero said...


Thanks for the post.

First, I cannot say I am an avid reader of Rocco so I am not qualified to speak to the reliability of his speculations. I will have to "trust" you on this point.

The distinction you make between the "what" and the "why" is important. As to the "what" (of things not yet revealed) we are dependent upon those who have their “contacts” in the Vatican or in the chanceries and that information is usually straightforward enough. Rocco evidently has his "contacts" and others have theirs.

As to the “why,” however, more often than not one is dealing with conjecture which is based upon subjective assumptions which may or may not be accurate.

Thanks, again, for stopping by. I hope to hear from you again!

1:03 PM  
Blogger Dymphna said...

Phooey. The vatican watcher blogs all said McCarrick would be gone by September and they were all wrong.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The appointment of a Bishop is a human and fallible decision, even for a good Pope. It is possible for Bishops to hide their true natures, or to change after they are made Bishops. It is also possible for the people that the Pope relies upon to help him make a choice to be of bad will, imprudent, or to be simply mistaken. So, maybe Ben XVI is taking his time to get it right.

In the meantime, McCarrick is praying to Allah. Is this kosher?

“Traditional Islam: The Path to Peace”
Remarks by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick
Archbishop of Washington and CUA Chancellor

CUA Columbus School of Law
Sept. 13, 2005

Your Majesty, King Abdullah
Your Majesty Queen Rania
Prince Ghazi
Members of the delegation from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Father President
Distinguished guests from many faith communities
Dear friends all,
Your Majesty,

A few months ago, when I was privileged to pray for you on another occasion in this capital city, I asked Allah, the compassionate and merciful Lord of all the world, to bless you and to help you make your country a bridge across which all nations might walk in unity, fellowship and love. As I listened to your words today, I believe my prayer is being answered.

Indeed, the Amman Message of November of last year is a blueprint and a challenge not only to the great world of Islam, but to the whole human race. Your thoughtful leadership is a stirring invitation to all of us, especially to the people of the Book, the family of Abraham, who share so much and who are called to be brothers and sisters in God’s one human family.

You have taken to heart the words of Pope Benedict XVI when he addressed the Muslim leaders gathered with him in Germany last month and invited them all to join him in eliminating from all hearts any trace of rancor, in resisting every form of intolerance and in opposing every manifestation of violence. As you quoted in your splendid talk to us today, Pope Benedict called his listeners, in this way, to turn back the way of cruel fanaticism that endangers the lives of so many people and hinders progress for world peace.

Your Majesty’s call and that of the Holy Father are in so many ways the same. May Allah, the merciful and compassionate, continue to guide your steps along this noble path. May He guide and protect you, your family and your beloved country and may peace and justice come to all lands and all peoples through your efforts, your vision and your courage.

In the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate God, we pray. Amen.

8:54 AM  

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