Jul 6, 2006

Mexico winner Felipe Calderon is said to be pro-life

News reports (click on this post's title for one) say Mexico's "Trife" (election tribunal) has declared Felipe Calderon, the PANista candidate, the winner in Mexico's presidential election.

Pro-lifers in Mexico and elsewhere have been disappointed with Vicente Fox, who was said to be a pro-life Catholic but who married out of the Church and whose government committed anti-life actions. President-elect Calderon is said to be a pro-life Catholic and Opus Dei member who attends Mass daily; let us hope and pray he will fight for Mexico's moms and preborn babies.

Let us also pray that the evidently anti-life "AMLO" (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador) and his supporters in the leftist PRD do not turn to violence over his narrow loss.

Nuestra Senora de Guadaupe, ruega por Mexico! (Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for Mexico!)


Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Pandaluz,

Thank you for the link to Amlo's before and after statements.

May Mexico's moms and babies, and the right to life cause, be the real winners in this election. May pro-lifers stay on the alert!

12:06 AM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Hi, Ken,

Yes, translations are important. Thank you for all the good you do for the Church and the right to life.

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the most part, PAN candidates will be pro-life, en todos los sentidos, while PRD/PRI candidates will be anti-life(I refuse to use the false sobiquet, pro-choice, as life is also a choice). Here in Nuevo Mexico, there is general rejoicing, for our paisanos saw through Lopez for the populista he really is, not the democrata he claims to be. Even Vichente was better than the PRI-ista he was running against in 2000. Mexico will have a true democracy only when the populistas, like Lopez, truly accept the systema politica when they lose, no solamente when they win.

Ricardo, Burque(Albuquerque)

10:02 PM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Estimado Losmacs Ricardo,

Thanks very much for the analysis and perspective. Let us hope that Calderon is confirmed and that once in office he will make a difference for all Mexico.

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah! go ahead and keep breeding like rabbits in mexico! hopefully by the time all the new "bundles of joy" are growing and starving because the corrupt mexican government steals all the wealth and the drug cartels have the rest, americas border will once and for all be closed with the last ones going back across where they came from to be all the bleeding heart liberals trying to give them rights they don't deserve over here! Fill your own scumhole of a country up, we don't want you! Hope the doorknob hits you where the good Lord split you as you GET OUT!

7:19 PM  

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