Nov 27, 2007

Msgr. Weber has a new book out

The current issue of The Tidings reviews (click on this post's title) a new book by Msgr. Francis Weber, Catholic Heroes of Southern California, published by Editions du Signe and available at Cotter's Church Supply.

If you haven't read any of Msgr. Weber's histories before, do it now and you'll discover that he is an excellent historian and an excellent writer.

In this latest book, Msgr. Weber covers 85 Southern California Catholics from earliest colonial times to the present. His categories are: The laity, episcopal leaders, religious women, religious men and "priestly pioneers."

The book sounds fascinating. I haven't gotten hold of it yet, but I plan to. Hope you do, too.

By the way, Cotter's phone is (213) 385-3366.


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