Apr 11, 2008

Aborted babies are the Lazaruses at the door in S.F. tonight

As we know, tonight Archbishop George H. Niederauer of San Francisco was slated to give the annual Catholic Charities CYO "Loaves and Fishes" philanthropy award to George Marcus, a wealthy donor to the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and to anti-pro-life causes and political candidates.

Planned Parenthood admits aborting more than 289,000 American babies at its many abortion chambers in its most recent reporting year.

So when we think of all the San Francisco swells and nabobs banqueting and congratulating each other on "helping the children," we will also be thinking of all the dead children who are figuratively lying at the doorstep of the posh hotel, just as poor Lazarus lay outside Dives' doorstep in Jesus' parable (St. Luke 16).

True Lazaruses are the aborted babies, abandoned, unclothed, covered with wounds, helpless -- and despised and ignored by the rich and powerful.

Can't an archbishop do better than to give awards to pro-aborts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've got similar problems here in Anchor-town...Cf. http://nihilautem.blogspot.com/

10:42 AM  
Blogger Quintero said...

Dear Anonymous 10:42 a.m.,

Thank you for the link to the blogspot from Anchorage.

A good job of documenting the consorting with the unsatisfactory politicians.

11:44 PM  

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