Feb 28, 2010

For Lent, we can save babies and help moms

Do you know about 40 Days for Life? It's the babies-saving, moms-helping, 'round-the-clock prayer-and-fasting-outside-abortion-businesses effort (for info, click on this post's title) that's been saving thousands of babies' lives in the last few years around the USA and elsewhere.

One such effort in our Archdiocese that Ole Q has heard of is in Ventura:

Are you in the current (Ash Wednesday-Passion Sunday, Feb. 17-Mar. 28) 40 Days for Life effort in your area? If you are, feel free to comment here to let everyone know how it's going.

And if you're not yet taking part, that's okay -- you can start anytime!

You'll save babies' lives; help moms and dads; deepen your spiritual life; make your Lent extra-fruit-filled; and meet tremendous people who make super friends.

Think of it: You can save the lives of babies! Don't miss your chance.


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